Tarot Reading Workshop

Sale price$44

Embark on a journey of intuition and insight with our Tarot Group Classes at Arcana Wellness Studio. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to deepen your understanding of the cards, our classes offer a supportive and enriching environment to explore the ancient art of tarot reading.

Led by experienced tarot practitioner Jeff, each class covers essential topics such as card meanings, symbolism, spreads, and intuitive interpretation. You will learn practical techniques to connect with the wisdom of the tarot and gain confidence in reading for yourself and others.

In our interactive sessions, you'll practice hands-on with fellow enthusiasts, receiving guidance and feedback to refine your skills. Whether you're drawn to tarot for personal growth, spiritual development, or curiosity, our classes provide a space to cultivate your intuition and uncover the hidden truths within the cards.

Join us and discover the transformative power of tarot in a supportive community of like-minded seekers.